Orko Oyon
Maitland Tossos
Thu Thi-Kim Le
Melissa Hambleton
The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated sudden and dramatic changes to the way faculties of education prepare teachers. Teacher educators in the arts are particularly affected, operating under a new set of institutional constraints and social pressures as they struggle to prepare preservice teachers to teach music, visual arts, drama, and dance in the “new normal” of distancing and material practice limitation. The purpose of this project is to conduct an Institutional Ethnography (DeVault & McCoy, 2004; Smith, 2005) of generalist (non-specialist) teacher education in the arts in Ontario before and during (and after) the COVID-19 pandemic. This will include developing a better understanding of institutional education and health regulations, and how these inform pedagogical approaches. Our study has two objectives, each of which address a gap: 1) create a baseline of information on 13 programs of generalist teacher education in the arts and pedagogical approaches in Ontario, using several indices of comparison (data on programs has been collected summer 2021); and 2) make conceptual advances on how the intertwining factors of institutional regulations (education and public health) and "status" of arts courses impact teacher education in the arts in Ontario. We gratefully acknowledge funding from Western Research, University of Windsor Research Stimulus Fund, and the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
Sirek, D., & Sefton, T.G. A sociological study of music education in Ontario faculties of education: Who is doing what? International Society for the Sociology of Music Education (ISSME), Universidad Veracruzana, June 2023
Sefton, T.G. & Sirek, D., *Chi, C. Teacher Education in the Arts in Ontario: An Environmental Scan. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), York University, May 2023
Sirek, D. *Knight, J., *Chi, C., Sefton, T.G. Teacher Education in the Arts in Ontario. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), York University, May 2023
Sirek, D. & Sefton, T.G. Pedagogy of the arts: An Institutional ethnography. Provoking Curriculum Conference, Western University, March 2023
Sirek, D., & Sefton, T.G. A sociological study of music education in Ontario faculties of education: Who is doing what? International Society for the Sociology of Music Education (ISSME), Universidad Veracruzana, June 2023
Sefton, T.G. & Sirek, D., *Chi, C. Teacher Education in the Arts in Ontario: An Environmental Scan. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), York University, May 2023
Sirek, D. *Knight, J., *Chi, C., Sefton, T.G. Teacher Education in the Arts in Ontario. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), York University, May 2023
Sirek, D. & Sefton, T.G. Pedagogy of the arts: An Institutional ethnography. Provoking Curriculum Conference, Western University, March 2023
Other publications:
"Engaging Generalist teachers in music education"
"Engaging Generalist teachers in music education"